Homebuyers bundle

BUY your home WITH ME!


The HomeBuyers Bundle

What is a Bundle...?

The Bundle is changing the lives of HomeBuyers by SAVING
THOUSANDS of dollars both at closing and over the life of their loan!

My name is Kevin Retcher, I am the owner of First Meridian Mortgage Corporation , KSA Insurance Agency Inc ,and  a Realtor with Jobin Realty, I am able to bundle the services required for your home purchase in order to save you money, both at closing and over the life of your loan.



When Kevin Retcher or one of my Referral Buyers Agents represent you as your buyers agent and you obtain your loan through First Meridian Mortgage,
I will originate your loan of FREE of Charge!*
That means wholesale rates with not one penny of added markup for First Meridian Mortgage and no loan officer commissions. You typically save a quarter of a (.25%) percent or more in rate, or pay less closing cost or both -- your choice.

All Home Buyers can use the program so long as you are first Pre-Approved by First Meridian Mortgage and use Kevin Retcher / Jobin Realty as your Buyer’s Agent or one of his designated Referral Agent Partners that has agreed to participate in the program. This program is available for Conventional, VA, and FHA.

Recent college graduates can qualify for Conventional Financing with as little as 3% down, as their education counts as job experience. First Meridian Mortgage provides direct access to wholesale rates with no markups, eliminating the need to shop around. This transparency allows graduates to secure competitive rates and focus on finding their ideal home without the added complexity of rate negotiations.

If you have a home to List/Sell and then Buy we have a Bundled package for you also. You would Sign with one of My designated Referral Agent (List and Buy), and then Sign a Buyers Agent Exclusive right to represent you with Kevin Retcher of Jobin Realty or stay with the Referral Agent. First Meridian then would originate your Home Loan with no origination fees to First Meridian Mortgage, saving you thousands of dollars.

There is no better way to show gratitude to service members than by originating their mortgage loans at no cost. As a Veteran-Owned company, First Meridian Mortgage is dedicated to supporting those who have served. Kevin Retcher, a proud Marine, understands the challenges of buying a home in Northern Virginia on a military salary. That’s why we offer the HomeBuyers Bundle, a special benefit available during your PCS to the region. Unlike any credit union or lender, including PenFed, USAA, or Navy Fed, we provide this service completely free—and we will put it in writing! Semper Fi!

This program works great for clients that knows what they want and have found their ideal home before ever talking to a Realtor, but need help writing/evaluating the contract,  getting financed, and going to closing knowing they have gotten the best possible price.

Relocation Benefits that can be offered to relocating employees that does not cost the company any money! Offer you incoming employees a benefit that no one else has and look like the hero saving them thousands of dollars.

For Example:

On a $500,000 loan, the lack of an origination fee means you could get a 4% interest rate instead of 4.25%. If you take that savings and put it in your pocket, you’ll save more than $52,000 over the life of the loan.

Think Smart.

If you apply it to your principal each month, you’ll save more than $73,000. Same great service, better coordination, and incredible savings.

Kevin Retcher, Has been ranked as a Loan Officer in the Top 200 loan officers in the nation Multiple times, and In the Top 50 Mortgage Brokers in the nation By Scotsman Guide. He was also ranked by Mortgage Executive, National Mortgage top 300 in the nation 2018. Kevin Retcher as a realtor with Jobin Realty received in 2018 the NVAR Platinum top Producers Club. 

Military Relocation - PCS

As a proud Marine veteran and a business owner, I have a special commitment to helping veterans and active-duty service members. 

Whether you use my services as a Realtor for your home purchase or use one of my designated real estate referral agents/partners, you get the same great savings as my buyer clients: 

First Meridian Mortgage will originate your loan for Free! 

If you have a realtor selected and you do not want to do a full Bundle, First Meridian Mortgage would still be happy to originate your loan at our normal low rate/fees.

Builder's Bundle -

You may have seen those builder incentives offering $10,000 to use the in-house lender.
How can I beat a builder’s loan? The typical builder deal will require loan fees that usually will eat up cost of the builder credits while giving you a higher interest rate,

When you use me as your buyer agent. 

When I originate the loan for free*, that lower interest rate means you save many times that $10K over the life of your loan. 

They’re offering you a little savings up front; I’m offering you wholesale rates that pay dividends with every mortgage payment.

While your savings vary depending on the specifics of your transaction, my primary goal is to package a better deal for you than any builder can or will provide. If i have control over both side of the transaction I typically can make the math work in your favor.  Many clients go to the builder directly thinking they will save on the price if they do not us a Realor. The fact is that in most cases they have built that fee into the price already.  In many cases the credits from the loan can be larger than the credits the builder is providing. The key is you have to be represented by Kevin or a designated Realtor before you go to the builder or at the first Preview of the Builder. 

Do you have a home to sell?
List and Buy With Me, 
Your Loan Origination Is Free!

Local Relocation Package

28 Years in Business.

Have a home to list and then need to buy your next home? 

I’ve got a plan for you! 

I’ll introduce you to one of my team of highly qualified referral partners to assist you in the listing process, then when you use either that same agent or me for your purchase, First Meridian Mortgage will originate your mortgage for free!

Always available for assistance

Call 703-799-5626

YOU are the core of our mission

Here's How It Works

  • Get pre-approved for your new home loan with First Meridian Mortgage.
  • Sign an Exclusive Listing Agent Agreement with one of my many extraordinary referral agents. (List and Buy)
  • Sign a Buyer Agreement with me, or with one of my designated referral partners. (All packages)
  • Once (1) your current home is sold and (2) we find the home you want to purchase and  (3) once you’re under contract, First Meridian will originate the home loan with no compensation to them. 
  • First Meridian will give you access to one of five wholesale mortgage lenders.

You pick your interest rate without one penny of markup from First Meridian Mortgage. No loan officer fee; no origination fee from First Meridian Mortgage. That’s straight wholesale cost, as if you owned the company.* (It would be hard to find lower rates anywhere, even on the internet.)

The Result?

Local relocation
savings for everyone.

I don’t know of anyone out there offering this kind of service or these kinds of savings.

Talk to me about saving money every step of the way -- whether you’re buying a new home or a resale, whether you’re moving due to a military relocation, buying your first home, right-sizing your family home, or just buying local.

I’m here to help in every way!

Any inquiries?

If you have any questions about the HomeBuyers Bundle - Submit information below or Call 703-799-5626


8305 Richmond Hwy, Suite 12A Alexandria, VA 22309 

Call Us: 

703.799.5626 Ext. 16

* Must qualify per lending guidelines for a conventional, or VA loan for bundle. First Meridian Mortgage NMLS ID# 180004,Kevin Retcher NMLS ID# 1116922 www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org, Kevin Retcher Jobin Realty, 5592 Backlick Rd, Springfield, VA 22151,lic# 022505584. All lenders may charge third-party fees, these are not FMMC origination charges, such as underwriting fees and flood, tax service; these fees can be placed in the pricing of the loan. No First Meridian fees, No origination, No processing. All terms put in writing. Restrictions may apply and program may be canceled without notice. Ask me about FHA loan adjustments. Client must start the buying process with First Meridian Mortgage. Clients under contract are not eligible. Designated participating realtors may offer the program, a referral fee to Jobin Realty – Kevin Retcher is required to participate on each deal. First Meridian Mortgage does not receive any compensation if bundle provided. This is not an attempt to solicit a client if under agency Law/Represented by another Realtor.**Rates quoted as of 2/19/2018 with,20% down 4.00% rate APR 4.015 vs 4.25% rate  4.264% APR,740 credit, Must qualify for a conventional or VA Loan. Program rules and rates are subject to change without notice.